Sunday, December 28, 2008


Well, now that the Christmas hustle and bustle is over, I finally have time to blog. After attending NINE holiday dinners in four days, with one whose date is TBD, I'm exhausted and tired of spending time with family! I've also developed a habit of not sleeping until 6am. That pesky Zelda: Phantom Hourglass game I got for my Nintendo DS just won't be put away. 
I got lovely things, and 70 bucks in Chapters dollars. Grandad gave us all pocket knives and tire gauges, which is better than the headlamp fiasco (which happened twice I think). Poor Grandad, he tries so hard. 

All in all, Christmas was good. I'm stuffed to the gills and don't feel like I can ever eat again. I had the whole week off work and it was so nice!

I work every day in the upcoming week, and I'm also house-sitting with Chris in Ahmerstburg, as well as getting ready for school and putting the finishing touches on the magazine. It was a nice break. =)

I'll be back more frequently I promise!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Independent Activities

"Why does so much of what you do involve Chris tagging along?"

  1. We have a lot of the same interests
  2. We like to spend time together
  3. We get along great
  4. We work as a team excellently
  5. I like spending time with him
  6. I love him
Good enough reasons? I'd think so. Others, apparently, do not. Despite the encouragement to go on vacation with Chris, I can't coach t-ball with him OR volunteer in Peru with him. Make sense to you, dear reader? Didn't think so.

She knows it upsets me, but she says stupid crap like that anyways. Why? It doesn't make any sense and causes nothing but angst.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day

We're supposed to get 15 cm of snow, from now (2 am) until tomorrow at some point. I am not happy about this. I do not like snow. I do not like slippery sidewalks and heaping piles of snow at the curb. I dislike the sounds of shovels scraping pavement and the crunch of salt under my shoes as I cling to the railing, making my way down the stairs.

In short, I do not like snow. Or the cold, for that matter. Having a screw in my leg makes it hurt all that much more. I am unsteady on my feet and am often mistaken for a drunk because of how I walk. Snow just makes it worse.

I'm sure I used to like snow. Maybe. At some point. All kids do, right? I just don't see the fun in going outside, getting turned into an icicle, just to make a snowman who (in this part of the world) is going to melt in 24 hours. This scenario makes no sense to me.

Anyways, so here's hoping that the snow doesn't fly tomorrow. In the meantime, I've been working on The Student Magazine and its coming along great! Despite last minute additions from the guy in charge (frustrating!) I've managed to put together a magazine that's only waiting for artwork. Wahoo! The majority of the work is done done done!

The issue comes out in the middle of January, so look for it. It'll be excellent. But no promises.

Hey, if it snows a bunch I can call in sick to work. And physio. Hmm ... 

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Must Love Art

Seriously, when I signed up to do the layout for The Student Magazine, I did not sign up for artwork. I don't like pictures/artwork interspersed in my text, so I don't want to make the magazine look like that. Now, I know everyone else likes artwork, but not me! So everyone else should do it my way.

I was up until 3am, working on layout/doing nothing. Then I went to sleep and slept straight 'til 9 and then off and on until 1 when I had to pee so I got up. Now I'm just chatting on MSN and checking Facebook and email messages, and then I'll read for a bit.

Chris is in court RIGHT NOW to fight his driving ticket. I hope he wins. It was his fault, but he was worried about getting hit from behind. No one got hurt, there were hardly any damages to the lady's car - and he's already suffered enough. Let the boy drive!

This evening I am going to the mall with Amanda. She has to get her boyfriend's Christmas present, plus she misses me, so we're going to hang out. It's almost Christmas time! Amanda goes to the college, so she finished exams over a week before I did. I'm done, Chris is done today, and all our sad little friends are still working away. Ha ha ha.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's Just Life: How Hard Can It Really Be?

I can never have a blog for more than one purpose. I had an "emo life" blog, on Livejournal. I had my Disney blog and my wheelchair blog on Wordpress. I haven't had a blog just for LIFE in quite a long time. So, here it is. This is just for life: my life.

We're finding our voice while we're living our dreams

My life is great. Seriously. I don't think a lot of people can say they're truly happy. Despite all the challenges of the last year, I'm really happy with where I've gotten. Of course there are things I change - like I'd like to have a million bucks - but the 66 cents in my bank account isn't stopping me from doing anything (except chartering a yacht/jet, etc.). I'm done my third semester of school, and even though it was a hectic BUSY semester, I think I've come out on top and will get some pretty good grades. And if I don't - oh well! I passed everything, I'm very confident of that, so the credits are mine. 

I love my Sparks and my Sunday School. The kids make me happy, and I like being as involved as I can be with a thousand different things, so they add to the list. Spend a couple hours with the kids, then send 'em home all hyped up and excited: my kinda thing!

The Student Magazine is my largest project to date. I'm putting it all on paper (well, computer screen, then paper) this week. I'm very excited to see the final product. I've worked really hard, and so has Chris, Jazz and Peter, my partners in crime.

My knee is getting better and better. I'm so proud of myself, as conceited as that might sound, because I've come so far. In August and September and the beginning of October to see me standing was a rare thing. Now I don't want to sit down!

So yeah. Life is good. I miss Disney and my friends from Florida (and all over the world!) but I know when the time is right I'll get back there and see them again, so it doesn't trouble me too much.

Christmas is coming. I have 20 days off school. I'm VERY MUCH looking forward to next semester and completing my second year of University. I'm also looking for a new job: McDonalds is wearing on me, but it's money in my pocket right?

All in all, I can't complain. 

Throw your hands up, 'cause we never gave in, and we'll sing hallelujah, we sang hallelujah, hallelujah.