Saturday, August 1, 2009

RIP Papa, John Wilson.
What a great man. For the last ten years, you've been a constant and I can't imagine life without you. I know you're at peace and happy watching over us, but it still hurts.

Great Grandma broke her hip, has had it replaced, and still resides in hospital.

Disney in 7 days, and I couldn't be more excited. After the July I've had, I need this vacation.


  1. I"m pretty sure that this will go down as the worst July EVER!
    But that month is done now, Papa is at peace and we all get a start over with the new month of August.

  2. Lot of stuff has should Blog about it....
    No pressure, but your Mom is now bloggin more than you are again :)
    (ok, more than I am too)
